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Note: This company provides a directory of resources intended to bring awareness of services available to active military, retired, veterans of all eras and their families. This agency does not imply endorsement to any of the agencies services.
If you are a client and the resource that you need is not listed here, please let me know in your session in order to address your specific concern for your area.
TMD Counseling Team: 512-782-5069
Military One Source: 800-342-9647
Veterans Crisis Line: 800-273-8255, Press 1
Texas Guard Education Services: 512-782-5673, 5270, 1016
Soldier for Life- Transition Assistance Program- Virtual Center
Texas Veterans Commission: 800-252-8387
Transition Assistance Advisors: (Northern) 512-963-2390 (Southern) 512-289-4048
ARNG Pay Ombudsman: 877-276-4729
Texas Veterans Land Board: 800-252-8387
American Red Cross: 877-272-7337
Army Fee Assistance- Child Care Assistance: 866-508-0371
DEERS: 800-538-9552
Legal Service (TMD): 512-782-1169 or Camp Mabry JAG: 512-782-5057
Veterans Affairs (VA): 800-827-1000
Health Care
TRICARE (Medical/Health Insurance): 800-444-5445
United Concordia (Dental): 800-866-8499
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